Category: Teacher

Lexus Walker

Lexus Walker

Roosevelt High School, 2015 SUNY Albany, 2019 major(s): English minor: Journalism current location:  Albany, NY; Yonkers, NY I am planning on getting my MA in education

Posted in all, English, Journalism, Roosevelt, SUNY at Albany, Teacher Tagged with:

Tyrone Shaw

Tyrone Shaw

Mount Vernon High School, 2006 Syracuse University, undergrad 2010; grad 2012 major(s): Secondary Education and Political Science (undergrad), Cultural Foundations of Education (grad) current location: Washington, DC Teacher

Posted in all, Education, Mount Vernon, Political Science, Syracuse University, Teacher Tagged with: ,

Lucia Brea

Lucia Brea

Gorton High School, 2004 City College, 2008 major: Sociology with a Minor in Women Studies (Currently hold a Masters degree in education) current location: Yonkers Teacher

Posted in all, City College, Education, Gorton, Sociology, Teacher, Women's Studies Tagged with: